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Contactless Intelligent Car Wash Machine

Views: 74     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-01-03      Origin: Site

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A contactless Intelligent Car Wash Machine eliminates the need for attendant interaction and enables more efficient wash operations. It is a wireless system that has the potential to reduce common electronic components, such as sensors and swivels. A contactless car wash machine is the ideal choice for carwash operations that offer multiple services in one location. To learn more about how a contactless intelligent system works, please visit www.okocarwash.com.

Automatic car wash machine that offers several benefits: faster speeds, shorter lines, and higher revenue per car. The system also allows for greater differentiation of wash packages, and is CE certified for safety. With its energy-saving features, it saves water, electricity, and maintenance costs. The automatic contactless intelligent car wash machine is also an excellent choice for high-volume carwash operations.

Automatic car wash machine

A contactless intelligent car wash machine is a highly efficient way to clean and protect cars. It utilizes an automated robot to clean and dry a car. The machine automatically applies specialty treatments and rinses the car without touching it. The customer can even choose to hand-dry their car instead. Its fast wash time is ideal for busy carwash operations. And, because it uses no water, there are no drips or sprays.

OKO was founded in 2019 as an auto products company whose primary business consists of R&D, production and selling.
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